How To Convince Non-Preppers

How To Convince Non-Preppers

You will undoubtedly come across people who find the very idea of prepping insane and absurd during your journey down the preparedness path. You may even have conversations where these non-preppers tell you how foolish you’re being and how you’re wasting your time. The idea of something disastrous happening is rather make-believe to these people – it’s just something that only happens in the movies.

Non-preppers can be, at best, annoying to talk to but you shouldn’t completely ignore them. Remember, they’ll be the ones asking for help should a disaster happen. It’s better if you can get them involved in a prepping mindset before that so they’re not trying to piggyback on your preparedness and supplies. So, here’s some tips on how to talk to non-preppers and help them understand why we do what we do.

Tip #1: Don’t Lose Your Cool

If you are reading this article, you are probably calmer than the average person. That is because, as a prepper, we work on keeping our cool in trying situations. When you’re talking to non-preppers, the first and foremost rule to keep them interested is to make them feel you understand and that it is perfectly fine to feel the way they feel. Keep your cool and maintain a pleasant demeanor.

That being said, don’t be afraid to point out facts. Give them real life examples of extreme natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes or floods that have recently occurred. These events have shocked people around the world and it’s easier to persuade people through examples of such catastrophic events. In a calm manner, ask them what they would do if something like that happened to them and help couldn’t get to them.

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Take it a step further and give non-preppers examples of people who survived because they had stocked essential supplies. There are cases of people now alive and healthy because of their initial 100-hour survival supply. Ask them if they think having anything in that supply kit on hand makes sense.

It is natural that you’ll want to expand quickly on this information but restrain from overwhelming them with too much background information. Non-preppers, much like anyone who disagrees with you, need to be gently persuaded in the right direction and not “attacked” like at a used car lot.

You want the end result to be the non-preppers coming to their own conclusion and not be beaten over the head with your thoughts and ideas.

Tip #2: Ask Questions and Present Facts

The chances of winning an argument with someone increases if they are provided with facts rather than just words. With that thought in mind, try using some of these tactics in your next discussion with non-preppers:

  • What’s your plan if we have an extended power outage? Do you have extra batteries or a generator on hand to help get you through this downtime? Will you be able to get radio transmission during this time?
  • If some kind of natural disaster kept you from getting to the store, how long could you survive on the food in your house?
  • If the water became polluted, do you have a way of filtering it so your family can drink? Do you have any stored in reserve?
  • Do you have ways of communicating with people that aren’t cellphone or computer related? What would you do if the cell networks and/or the internet were down?
  • If some kind of natural disaster occurs, people will flock to the stores and buy them out quickly. It might be some time before supplies can arrive. How long would you be able to feed your family?
  • Do you have a planned place to go if your home is inhabitable – maybe from a fire or some kind of localized disaster (gas main break, chemical spill, etc.)? Does everyone in your family know where to go?
  • If times get tough and supplies are limited, people will stop being friendly and start stealing (or worse). Are you capable of defending yourself and your family?

In The End, Non-Preppers Are Human

Despite giving them all the facts and figures, there still would be tough cookies who always look for chances to mock the very idea of survival. For such hardcore believers (or non-believers as it may be), there is not much you can do because the only thing that can convince them is the occurrence of such a devastating situation.

For people like these a good rule of thumb is to let them live as they want to live without any worries because they’ll dig into their beliefs the more you try to change them. It’s best to let non-preppers learn the value of preparation on their own Rather than hitting your head against a wall.

How To Convince Non-Preppers

Guest Poster: Mathew Jade
  1. I learned decades ago and just before y2k not to tell others what to do. Other than hurricane preparation, I say nothing. They would become a threat if things went downhill. Best to MYOB in the long run, people are basically dumbed down anyway, refuse to heed warnings, and adults are accountable to/ responsible for their families to do what they need to do if they have any common sense. .

  2. All you’re doing is breaking your own OPSEC – might as well conduct tours of your place and hand out copies of your supply inventory ….

    If someone not only can’t figure out for themselves they need an emergency plan – but actually fights you on the subject – they’re too freaking stubborn and stupid to survive ….

    Take the wasted time and put it into something of benefit to people worthwhile saving ….

  3. I tried for years to get my sister prepared. Twice, I gave her a large crate of food for storage, and twice she donated it to her church for the local food bank. The last time was ten years ago. Now I don’t mention it. She lives in the desert, and will likely die of thirst first. So it goes. I will miss her.