How To Convince Non-Preppers

How To Convince Non-Preppers

You will undoubtedly come across people who find the very idea of prepping insane and absurd during your journey down the preparedness path. You may even have conversations where these non-preppers tell you how foolish you’re being and how you’re wasting your time. The idea of something disastrous happening is rather make-believe to these people

Prepping: 7 Reasonable Things You Should Do

Prepping: 7 Reasonable Things You Should Do

Riots, EMP threats, NASA’s megadrought, clashes between religious fanatics, the U.S. debt increasing and the coming elections – all of these situations point to the same thing: the world may go down south at any time. I’m not saying they will – I hope they won’t – but are we really crazy for prepping for them? Our minds
