6 Quick Tips for Managing Student Loan Debt

6 Quick Tips for Managing Student Loan Debt

Statistics show that about 33% of all Americans age 25 and older have college degrees and those numbers are rising over time.  Unfortunately, many Americans use loans to finance this higher education.  Nothing welcomes your adulthood like getting the first student loan bill in the mail.  These bills can control your life if you’re careful.

Homesteading And The Debt Free Lifestyle

Homesteading And The Debt Free Lifestyle

It’s difficult being an urban homesteader. In order to make it, you need to be independent.  Independence can mean many things, but a lot of people think of owning a good amount of land.  So what is a poor city inhabitant who longs for the country life supposed to do? Become debt free! Going Debt

Prepping: 7 Reasonable Things You Should Do

Prepping: 7 Reasonable Things You Should Do

Riots, EMP threats, NASA’s megadrought, clashes between religious fanatics, the U.S. debt increasing and the coming elections – all of these situations point to the same thing: the world may go down south at any time. I’m not saying they will – I hope they won’t – but are we really crazy for prepping for them? Our minds
